Jingmai Kathleen O’Connor

Current Position

2020 – present

Associate Curator of Fossil Reptiles
The Field Museum of Natural History
Chicago, IL

Faculty Positions

2022 – present

2020 – present

Committee of Evolutionary Biology, University of Chicago

Adjunct Professor
Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (CAS)

2018 – 2020

Adjunct Professor
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing)

2015 – 2020

Senior Professor
Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (CAS)

2013 – 2015

Associate Professor
Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (CAS)

Education & Training

2010 – 2013

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (Beijing)
Chinese Academy of Sciences
On Fellowship for Young International Scientists from Chinese Academy of Sciences


University of Southern California, Department of Geological Sciences
Advisors Prof. David Bottjer (USC) and Dr. Luis Chiappe (Los Angeles Natural History Museum)
Dissertation title: A Systematic Review of Enantiornithes (Aves: Ornithothoraces)


Occidental College
Earth Sciences undergraduate thesis title (under Prof. Donald Prothero and Dr. Xiaoming Wang, LANHM): New specimen of the Miocene mustelid Sthenictis from the Miocene of Inner Mongolia, China

Professional Appointments & Responsibilities

2023 – present

2022 – present

2020 – present

Vice President, Society of Avian Paleontology and Evolution

Planetary change and Paleosciences Section Head, All Earth

Research Associate, American Museum of Natural History, New York

2019 – 2022

Editorial Board Member, Frontiers in Earth Science

2016 – 2021

Honorary Reader, The University of Witwatersrand, South Africa

2014 – present

Editorial Board Member, Scientific Reports

2014 -2015

Research Associate, Tomsk University, Russia

2013 – 2020

Adjunct Professor, Lingyi University

2009 – present

Research Associate, Los Angeles Natural History Museum

College & University Work


Teaching Assistant, Crises of a Planet, University of Southern California

2004 – 2005

Teaching Assistant, Crises of a Planet, University of Southern California


Field Assistant, paleomagnetics research, D. Prothero, Occidental College
Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Field Methods, Occidental College

Awards, Honors, Grants and Fellowships


Rock Star Award, Cranbrook Institute of Science


Outstanding achievements in scientific research in 2019, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology

Outstanding achievements in scientific research in 2019, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology

The Charles Schuchert Award, Paleontological Society

Chinese Paleontological Association Award for Top 10 Discoveries of 2018


IVPP Research grant, Archaeopteryx and a better understanding of early avian evolution (No. KN205509)


IVPP Research grant, Ecological evolution of mesozoic birds (No. KN214404)


Award for outstanding paper published in the Journal of Systematic Palaeontology for, “A redescription of Chaoyangia beishanensis (Aves) and a comprehensive phylogeny of Mesozoic birds.”

2012 – 2014

National Natural Science Foundation of China research grant, Ontogeny and phylogeny of Mesozoic birds (No. 41102009)


Fellowship for Young International Scientists, Chinese Academy of Sciences


National Geographic Waitt Grant: Hunting for Jurassic Dinosaurs in Western Mongolia

Research Fund for International Young Scientists, from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41050110438)


Fellowship for Young International Scientists, Chinese Academy of Sciences Geographic


East Asia and Pacific Summer Institute participant, National Science Foundation


Explorer’s Club Research Grant

Graduate Professionalism Initiative Grant, University of Southern California


Keck Fellow, University of Southern California


Avery China Adventure Recipient

Keck Fellow, University of Southern California


Richter Undergraduate Research Grant, Occidental College

Teaching Experience


Guest Speaker on “The origin of dinosaurian flight and early avian diversity.” Sino-German Field School, Yizhou Sino-German Paleontological Museum (organized by the Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt, Germany)

2018 – 2019

Comparative Vertebrate Osteology. University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Under-graduate, Master’s and PhD course. Title: Professor (responsible for lectures on non-dinosaurian archosaurs)


Crises of a Planet. University of Southern California. Under-graduate course. Title: Teaching Assistant


Guest Speaker on “The origin of flight.” Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology. Graduate course (Paleobiology; Instructors: David Hone and Corwin Sullivan)

2004 – 2005

Crises of a Planet. University of Southern California. Under-graduate course. Title: Teaching Assistant


Introduction to Field Methods. Occidental College. Under-graduate course. Spring Semester. Title: Teaching Assistant



Science Skills! Paleontology (Science Insider)


Breakthrough: Women in STEM documentary (Science Friday)


CAS SELF documentary (airing 2019)

PBS documentary, When Whales Walked (bird segment, filmed in China), Premiered June 19, 2019


CAS SELF (Science Education Life Future) talk: Fascinating early birds

2008 – 2009

Senator for Department of Geological Sciences, Graduate Student Senate, University of Southern California

Additional Services

Peer reviews

Anales de Paleontologie, Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano, Avian Research, Biology Letters, BMC Biology (2), Communications Biology, Cretaceous Research (11), Current Biology (6), eLife (3), Evolution, Frontiers in Earth Science, Geoconservation Research, Geodiversitas, Historical Biology (5), iScience (2), Journal of Anatomy, Journal of Evolutionary Biology (3), Journal of Morphology (2), Journal of Ornithology, Journal of Paleontology (3), Journal of Systematic Palaeontology (6), Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (13), Lethaia, National Science Review (2), Nature (3), Nature Communications, Nature Ecology and Evolution (2), Naturwissenschaften, New Mexico Natural History Museum Bulletin (3), Paleobiology, Palaeontology (3), Palaeontological Polonica, PeerJ (4), Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, PLoS ONE (5), Proceedings of the Royal Society B (3), Science (2), Science Advances (4), Scientific Reports (3), Spanish Journal of Palaeontology, Systematic Palaeontology (2), The Anatomical Record, The Innovation (2), Vertebrata Palasiatica (6), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (2)

Grant reviews

Hong Kong Research Grants Council (5); Medical Research Council, UKRI

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